Mar 10, 2017
There’s a reason people love the start of a New Year – or the first day of spring, or maybe the first day of school. The idea of a clean slate – of making changes or starting over fresh – can be exhilarating. “It isn’t necessarily that you don’t like the life you...
Mar 10, 2017
Conventional wisdom dispensed by financial planners about taking Social Security largely boils down to this: Wait as long as you can. That’s because delaying means a bigger monthly payment. For example, someone born in 1955 earning $50,000 can expect a monthly benefit...
Mar 10, 2017
“If life expectancy is 78 and you wait until 70 before taking Social Security, you have to live to somewhere between 78 and 82 for it to make sense,” says Neyland. “At best you break even at 78, but the entire time you exacerbated your risk because you took money out...
Mar 10, 2017
It’s common for people to think about putting their mark on the world and leaving it a better place than when they arrived. But in many cases people fail to put those thoughts into action – possibly because they’re hesitant to step outside their comfort zones. Harlem...
Mar 10, 2017
It’s common for people to think about putting their mark on the world and leaving it a better place than when they arrived. But in many cases people fail to put those thoughts into action – possibly because they’re hesitant to step outside their comfort zones. Too...