Aug 2, 2018
Industry Insights: A body in Motion: 5 Ways to Increase Your Personal Collective Momentum. If you wake up every day to find yourself going through the motions without feeling truly fulfilled, it’s time to disrupt your environment and create your own momentum. To find...
Sep 14, 2017
Never in a million years did I ever imagine taking a trip by plane ever again. The last memory I have of being on a plane was when I was 13 going to Honduras with family. This trip was so much more different for me. I was already excited about it and I guess I just...
Aug 7, 2017
Is that the ordinary that is extraordinary? When I first met Yesenia, my eyes were drawn to her size. But in just a moment, my focus became her eyes. There was a darkness – a sadness that I have seldom seen. I reached out to Yesenia and started having lunch with her,...
Jul 31, 2017
Today I sit here and can honestly say I am happy to be alive. Life for me started a little over 2 months ago. At 30 years old I really finally feel like nothing can tear me down now. My sister introduced me to her boss, my best friend and mentor, John Neyland. When we...
Mar 24, 2017
Native Voice One (NV1) is the distribution division of Anchorage-based Koahnic Broadcast Corporation. Our mission is to serve as a leader in bringing Native voices to Alaska, the nation, and the world. NV1 distributes work from Native and non-Native producers whose...